Our Calling

Why We Exist

"Kaleo Community Church exists to help people who are far from God draw near to Him and enjoy Him forever."

Who we are

Connected to God

Kaleo Community Church is distinctively Christian in theology and practice!

Committed to community

Kaleo Community Church is a family committed to one another for fellowship and growth.  

Compassionate toward people

Kaleo Community Church is holistically missional to reach and serve.   

What Matters Most…

Dependence on God

We do not want to do church like everyone else.  We are a group of uniquely gifted individuals called together to listen to the voice of God and measure success on our obedience to Him.

Family Faith

The pastors at Kaleo Community Church do not want to lead your children into a relationship with Jesus. We empower husbands to lovingly lead their families to God by being the men that our Heavenly Father created them to be.  We encourage wives to model biblical womanhood so that a new generation of ladies will be raised up to understand the plan God has in creating women in His image.  We love children and believe they are a gift from God and we get excited seeing how God will use them to change their world.

Weekend Experiences

Be the Church throughout the week and on the weekend bring your friends and family to a place where they can meet with God yet be themselves.  We give our best on the weekends because it is through our weekend experiences many people meet Jesus for the first time.

Intentional Community

Community is a divine attribute and a human need.  We seek to grow our intimacy within the body of Christ through groups of believers meeting, serving, learning, loving and living together in neighborhood groups that meet throughout the city.  Life change happens in community, and community happens in small groups.  The city of God within the city of Saginaw will glorify God through serving one another and act as a light on a hill to those who need Him.

Global Influence

We are not be a church dedicated to our comfort.  We are the good news to His city, His country and His world.  This means sacrificial giving of our time, our skills and our money to seeing His kingdom come.  Every member is on a three year track to multiply their influence not just at home but throughout the world.