Frequently Asked Questions

We understand before coming to a new church you might have some questions. Well we have answers, they might not be answers you like and they might not even be right but here are what we think you might ask and how we would answer them.

We believe that God is so big and so different than us that none of us have Him figured out. Church is supposed to be a place where we learn together. If you have questions about God, doubts about the Bible and skepticism about church Kaleo will welcome you with open arms! If you have it all the answers and want a church that agrees with everything you believe this is not the church for you.
Wear what you want to wear. We want you to be comfortable so we leave that up to you. There is no dress code or expectations, you will see people in shorts, jeans, slacks, even dresses. Our policy on clothes is, yes please beyond that we trust you to dress yourself.
We use the school cafeteria for our adult worship gathering. The tables fold into benches and we sit on those. We sing a few songs, some are old and some are new, and study the Bible together. Our services last about an hour. The gym is uses for our Kidspace. Children are broken up into three classes based upon age: they are taught with age appropriate activities to make church fun and interesting to them.
We are a group of believers who come from various backgrounds. We have Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Methodists and a mix of others who meet with us. The one thing we all agree on is the Bible is our authority and not the traditions of men. We cooperate with the Southern Baptists to help support over 7500 missionaries around the world. We also partner with Vision 360 an interdenominational group based in Orlando, FL. The goal of Vision360 is to partner church planters with kingdom-focused civic and business leaders to work together for the gospel in their city.
We meet on Sunday mornings at Parkview Elementary School. Kaleo Worship and Kaleo Kidspace both meet for identical experiences at 9:30 and 11 am. We encourage you to arrive early and join us for coffee and doughnuts. Our Community Groups meet in homes during the week.
The rapid growth of the Saginaw Eagle Mountain ISD and the population increase in Northwest Tarrant County makes this a place that needs new churches. We do not compete with any existing church but prayerfully hope to complete the body of Christ in this area by offering a unique vision for how church is done. Kaleo is Kingdom minded and works closely with other churches in the area to serve our community.
At Kaleo we value family as a gift from God. Our Kidspace program is for children birth-5th grade. They meet in the gym and we have kid friendly deviders to break the gym into aga appropriate learning enviornments. Students 6th grade and up attend our worship experience.
Our pastor preaches from the English Standard Version (ESV). This is an acurate translation from the original language designed specifically for modern English speakers. Our staff encourages all of our church to spend daily time in the Word of God and read the version that is easiest to understand. Our pastor always says, "The best version of the Bible is the one that you will read".