Welcome To Kaleo!

Russel & Crystal Page

Kaleo (pronounced kal-eh-o) is a Greek word that means “called”. Repeatedly in the New Testament, scripture refers to the body of the church as a Called People.

"Church" is more than a building or a place you attend Sunday mornings. We are a community that encourages connections with each other and encourages others to connect with God to deepen a relationship with Him. We invest in each other to impact others with the Gospel to transform lives. Our first priority at Kaleo is to help people draw near to God and enjoy Him forever. We come together in a covenant to connect with Christ and to show compassion to our surrounding community and world.

I want to extend a personal invitation for you and your family to experience the grace and goodness of God with us. You'll find real people at Kaleo, just like you, who are on a spiritual, meaningful, and life changing journey. We would be honored and overjoyed to connect with you and join with you as we plug in to the One who loves us all unconditionally.

Russell Page, Lead Pastor

Important info

We are now meeting in our location for the summer at Kaleo West! You can join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM and 11:00AM at 3011 Arrow Lane, Sansom Park, TX 76114.

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New Years Resolution
January 17, 2016
Small Things Big Difference: Thoughts
January 17, 2016
Listen as pastor Russell Falls off of a Hover board while trying to preach! Then, we begin the discussion of the small things in our life that can have big impact on our day to day life. Meditate on God and his plans for your life. Don't focus on your own sometimes negative view of yourself.
Experiencing Joy
December 13, 2015
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